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How to make DIY Korean Chile Sauce

A do it yourself chili paste, somewhat similar to harissa is the Korean Chile Sauce. Here are the procedures and ingredients on how to make it.


Makes about ½ cup


¼ cup gochujang
3 tablespoons water
2 tablespoons toasted sesame oil
1 teaspoon sugar

This sauce is the classic topping for Vegetable Bibimbap. Gochujang, a
Korean chile paste, is sold in Asian markets and some supermarkets. If you
can’t find gochujang, an equal amount of Sriracha sauce can be substituted.
Because Sriracha is more watery than gochujang, omit the water if you use
this substitution.


Whisk ¼ cup gochujang, 3 tablespoons water, 2 tablespoons toasted
sesame oil, and 1 teaspoon sugar together in bowl until well combined.
(Sauce can be refrigerated for up to 24 hours.)

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“You don’t need a fabulous kitchen to prepare fabulous food, but a well-designed workspace sure makes cooking easier and more pleasurable. Chances are, you aren’t in the process of remodeling your kitchen, and you have to make do with the basic kitchen design you have. However, if you are at liberty to shift some things around or you’re designing your cooking space, consider the concept of access. If you want to spend the day running, join a health club. If you want to enjoy an efficient and pleasurable cooking experience, consider where your main appliances are located and where you store the equipment and ingredients you use the most. Do you have to walk 10 feet from the stove to get the salt? That’s not efficient. Although nothing is wrong with a large, eat-in kitchen, the design of the cooking area in particular should be practical.”


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